Verbal/Linguistic – ‘Word Smart’
Speaking, reading, writing and listening
Mathematical/Logical – ‘Math Smart’
Numbers, calculations and patterns
Spatial – ‘Pattern Smart’
Artistry, visual details, makes good use of space,
aware of surroundings, location and direction
Kinesthetic – ‘Body Smart’
Sports, dance, able to use hands or body to create,
fix or express themselves
Musical – ‘Music Smart’
Can play instrument or sing, composes and analyzes music
Intrapersonal – ‘Self Smart’
Understand one’s self, self-motivated, self-reflective
Intrapersonal – ‘People Smart’
Notices other people’s feelings and personalities, ability to respond positively towards others, many friends, well-liked
Naturalist – ‘Nature Smart’
Interested and involved in helping the environment, able to identify and classify plants, animals, minerals
Existential – ‘Life Smart’
Looking at the bigger picture, asking deeper questions