Section 3: Tutor Resources

Setting SMART Goals with Your Peers

According to Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, two world-renowned psychologists, setting challenging and specific goals leads to higher outcomes. This is why SMART goals are essential in school- all students should aim to get better.


  • Clear
  • Try using a specific number     “I want to complete 5 math problems”



  • Be able to track progress towards the goal    “I want to bench press 10 more lbs”


  • Be honest and realistic about both yours and your peer’s capabilities  “I got a 68% in English last term, I’ll aim for at least 75% this term“


  • Relevant to your peer and their learning  “Because I’m struggling with French, I want to practice saying more phrases out loud”


  • Set an end-date for your goal 
  • Think about small steps for your peer to achieve it“ By the end of this term I want to…”