Section 1: Getting Started

Responding to a Question

When your peer asks you a question, it’s important to respond with kindness and understanding.

Pay Attention to Your Tone

Speak calmly and respectfully. Avoid raising your voice or being rude.Instead of saying “Why are you asking me that?”, say “Could you explain more?”

Use Positive Body Language

Face your peer and make eye contact when you’re speaking with them. Sit or stand up straight, and maintain open body language; don’t cross your arms or roll your eyes.

Listen Actively

Pay attention to your peer’s entire question before responding. Avoid interrupting and make sure you understand what they are asking.

Practice Empathy

Try to understand your peer’s perspective and appreciate that they are different from you. Maybe they’re having a hard time with a subject you always found easy. Try to recall a time you were struggling with something. Treat them like you would have liked to be treated in that situation!

Admit When You Don’t Know the Answer

You don’t ever have to know everything! If your peer asks a question you are unsure about, tell them that you’re not 100% sure. You can look it up together, ask fellow tutors, or check your old notes and get back to them later!